
Chambers dictionary of the unexplained art
Chambers dictionary of the unexplained art

chambers dictionary of the unexplained art

chambers dictionary of the unexplained art

Thatch′er Thatch′ing, the act or art of covering with thatch: the materials used for thatching.

chambers dictionary of the unexplained art

straw, &c., used to cover the roofs of buildings and stacks.- ns. to cover, as a roof, with straw, reeds, &c.- n. used to introduce a clause: because: for: in order that. Those) it points out a person or thing: the former or more distant thing: not this but the other: as a rel., who or which.- conj. one of the more important ancient Greek festivals, held at Athens in honour of Apollo in the month of Thargelion (May-June). a genus of umbelliferous plants round the Mediterranean. Thank′-you-ma'am, a ridge or hollow across a road-from the sudden bobbing of the head of a person in a vehicle crossing it. Thank′worthy, worthy of, or deserving, thanks.- n. that in the United States on the last Thursday of November: a form of giving thanks, a grace, that form preceding the last two prayers of morning or evening prayer or of the litany-the General Thanksgiving Thank′worthiness, the state of being thankworthy.- adj. Thank′lessness, the state of being thankless: ingratitude Thank′-off′ering, an offering made to express thanks for mercies received Thanks′giver, one who gives thanks, or acknowledges a favour Thanks′giving, act of giving thanks: a public acknowledgment of divine goodness and mercy: a day set apart for this, esp. Thank′lessly, in a thankless manner: unthankfully.- ns. Thank′less, unthankful: not expressing thanks or favours: not gaining thanks.- adv.


Thank′ful, full of thanks: grateful.- adv. (usually in pl.) expression of gratitude for favour received, often elliptically=My thanks to you.- adj. Thā′nage, Thane′dom, the jurisdiction or the dignity of a thane Thane′hood, Thane′ship. a member of a class in the old English community that stood distinctly below the old nobility ( eorlas, &c.), but above the mere landowners or ceorls-a kind of nobility of service rather than blood.- ns. Thanatog′raphy, an account of one's death Thanatol′ogy, the scientific consideration of death Thanatophō′bia, a morbid dread of death Thanatop′sis, a view of, or reflection upon, death Thanatō′sis, death of a part, gangrene. when, as, if compared with-a word placed after the comparative of an adjective or adverb between the things compared. Fāte, fär mē, hėr mīne mōte mūte mōōn then.

Chambers dictionary of the unexplained art